Service Provider Update – Lenten Devotional

Late yesterday, we learned that Facebook would no longer be able to support sending free updates through Facebook Messenger. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience and disruption this has caused.

Because of this disruption, we have worked to find an additional way to support a daily message update at no cost to you. To receive the Lenten Devotional, written by the Rev. Dr. David Wendel, it is now possible to subscribe via daily text message or email.

  • To receive the daily message with Scripture passages and Lenten Devotional: A Lenten Walk Through The Word, please text: ReadingTheWord to 24251
  • To receive a daily email with Scripture passages and Lenten Devotional, please visit:  – scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the box that says “sign up now.” (Note – if you wish to receive only an email, do not enter your phone number on this form.
  • The Lenten Devotional is also available in PDF form, e-reader (Apple and Google Play), podcast format, and video. To access these additional options, please visit:

For those interested in a step-by-step tutorial to subscribe to the text message service, please see below. Our apologies for the inconvenience in the change of service providers.

Step #1: Open a blank text message on your phone. Text the phone number 24251. Type the code in the field where you would send a message. (For example: ReadingTheWord) Click send.

Step #2: After approximately 30-90 seconds, you will receive the following reply message. Click the link provided (blue letters). This will automatically take you to step #3.

Step #3: Provide the additional information requested. Your information will not be shared or distributed. This step is a one time requirement as the NALC switches service providers.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you only want to receive updates via text message – put ONLY your phone number in. If you only want to receive updates via your email address, please ONLY enter your email address. All fields are NOT mandatory. Only enter contact information in the area you would like to receive it.

Our apologies for the inconvenience.

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