Raising Up Leaders – A Message from Bishop Bradosky

Dear Followers of Jesus,

Grace to you and peace in this Thanksgiving season! I am writing today with news of a critical opportunity I feel we must embrace. As we have discussed previously, we need your help finding young people who may be discerning a call to ordained ministry! There is a great need today for pastors in the Church—especially those who will be committed to the truth and authority of God’s Word!

We would like to invite you to nominate 1-2 students from your congregation to take part in a week-long event. Join us for NALC Week (July 7-12, 2019) at the NEXUS Institute. 

The NEXUS Institute is a week of theological training for high school students each summer at Grand View University in Des Moines, Iowa. Led by NALC faculty, the week is designed to engage deeper thinking high school students in theology and hands on service. Because of a Lilly Grant, there is no charge for the experience from the time the student arrives in Des Moines until the time they leave the experience. Nominate students by January 1, 2019, or as soon as possible, as space is limited.

Learn more about NEXUS →

Any questions about NALC Week? Please contact Gary Pecuch ([email protected]).

We are excited about having pastors who come from NALC congregations and are formed in the NALC’s candidacy process and seminary. You are on the front line; you see and know these persons! Together with pastors and congregations in your Mission District, please make a concerted effort to find these young people and provide us with their names. We need your help! Please send the names of any young persons attending middle school, high school or college, who may have gifts, desire and a sense of call to at least consider entering seminary to Gary Pecuch. We’d love to connect with these individuals as they begin the path of discernment.

With you following Jesus,

Bishop John F. Bradosky
North American Lutheran Church


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