Mission Update – Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch

As the Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch is a friend and Recognized Ministry of the NALC, we want you to know all about the good work your support makes possible. There may be a few things you don’t know about us. And, I believe you’ll find the six Ranch facts below both enlightening and encouraging. For instance, did you know . . .? 

  1. The Ranch’s Dakota Memorial School is the only fully accredited school system in North Dakota that’s not a public school.
  2. Many of our children were barely passing their classes before coming to the Ranch. Yet, two out of five made the honor roll last semester, while meeting the same rigorous requirements you’ll find at any public school.
  3. Many of our kids never had a birthday party until they came to the Ranch.
  4. This year, many of our students returned to their original schools to graduate with friends and peers. 
  5. We care for and cherish a herd of twenty-three horses. The children are encouraged to ride and make friends with the horses. They often experience healing as they ride and work with a horse.

Ranch thrift stores process more than eleven million donated items a year. Sales at our stores provide an important source of income to help kids.

I hope you learned something you didn’t know about why the Ranch is such an incredible resource for children who have struggled to find peace, stability and success in life. Children like Sara . . .

Sara’s mom was young, single and unable to provide for her. Violence and instability were constants in their home. No wonder Sara was angry, verbally abusive, disrespectful of authority, and hamstrung by learning disabilities that made school a daily battle.

At the Ranch, Sara experienced a very different kind of environment. Because our team recognized her struggles — and also her many strengths as a unique child of God — she responded positively. Sara says, “It didn’t feel safe at my old school. But at the Ranch, if I need more help or things aren’t going well at home, I can tell someone and feel safe. I don’t have to worry that more bad things will happen because I told.” Sara has been with us for about a year now. Her improved attitude, behavior and school performance have earned her the admiration of her peers, who increasingly see her as a role model.

There’s a lesson here: With your prayers and partnership in this work, even a deeply wounded child can find healing, academic success and spiritual growth. Thank you for your continued support!

Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch is an NALC Recognized Ministry. To learn more about their work or to partner with them in ministry, please visit dakotaranch.org.

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